Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Real Housewives of New Jersey

OMG....love this show. It passed OC as my fave. I thought I wanted the lip injections until I watched this show. Um...no thanks i'll pass. And what planet does Danielle live on? Seriously, how can you whine you need someone to pay for you and then have your plastic surgeon put on a spa party? Go figure, what trash she is, I cannot believe what she just said, hmmm...... maybe that is why the guy won't come around you perhaps he's looking for someone with morals.

Caroline is my fave on this one, Jill on NY and probably Jeanna on OC. I can't stomach Atlanta at all.
What I'm reading this week:
Wonderful, just like her other novels. I haven't found a book of hers yet that I don't like. Great Patio read.

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