Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Menu Monday

WOW... can't believe it is a new week already. At a family reunion this weekend I learned of the best chocolate ice cream receipe ever...it mimics a wendy's frosty. don't eat too much it's loaded with calories but oh my gosh is it ever good. That's why it's only good to make when there are a lot of people around to help you eat it.

Here's how:

16 ounces of cool whip
14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk
1 gallon of chocolate milk

Pour condensed milk & cool whip into ice cream freezer pour chocolate milk to the fill line, stir the ingredients together, then turn on the machine and layer with ice & rock salt until frozen. YUM...
Head over to http://orgjunkie.com for more menu ideas:

This is what we are dining on at the Nole House this week:
Sunday: ribs, garlic toast
Monday: spaghetti, roasted garlic bread
Tuesday: Chicken & yellow rice, peas, & cresents
Wednesday: mini cheese pizzas
Thursday: sauteed scallops, broccoli & snow peas
Friday: fish cakes & cole slaw
Saturday: grilled burgers, chips & deviled eggs & a frosty fourth

Happy 4th....God Bless America

Monday, June 15, 2009

Menu Monday

Head over here for more menu ideas: http://orgjunkie.com/

Here's what's cooking at the Nole House this week:

Sunday: Grilled NY Strips, skillet potatoes (potatoes, onions & bacon), squash & onions, garlic bread

Monday: Grilled sun dried marinated chicken breasts, angel hair pasta w/herbs, sauteed squash

Tuesday: Pulled pork sandwiches, turnips

Wednesday: Steak kabobs (squash, onions, tomatoes, broccoli)

Thursday: Beef Pasta, Salad

Friday: Pizzas

Saturday: Grilled shrimp & scallops, olive oil & herb pasta, squash & snow peas

Tomorrow night is the concert in the parks, hopefully, i'll get off in time to go to that! A friend of ours is in a Motown band so we'll going to support him. We've had afternoon thunderstorms but hopefully they'll blow over or not happen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Real Housewives of New Jersey

OMG....love this show. It passed OC as my fave. I thought I wanted the lip injections until I watched this show. Um...no thanks i'll pass. And what planet does Danielle live on? Seriously, how can you whine you need someone to pay for you and then have your plastic surgeon put on a spa party? Go figure, what trash she is, I cannot believe what she just said, hmmm...... maybe that is why the guy won't come around you perhaps he's looking for someone with morals.

Caroline is my fave on this one, Jill on NY and probably Jeanna on OC. I can't stomach Atlanta at all.
What I'm reading this week:
Wonderful, just like her other novels. I haven't found a book of hers yet that I don't like. Great Patio read.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Menu Monday

head over hear to find lots of menu ideas...


Here's what is cookin' at the Nole House this week:

Sunday: grilled cornish hens; broccoli rice, squash saute, Sister Shubert's Yeast Rolls, fruit cup.

Monday: tacos, fruit

Tuesday: blt sandwiches, chips, fruit

Wednesday:grilled sausage, jambalya rice, garlic bread, fruit

Thursday: garlic chicken w/jasmine rice, stir fry veggies & egg rolls, cookies

Friday: ribs, turnips, au gratin potatos, fruit

Saturday: steaks, 2x potatos, squash, cookies

BUMMER, i really thought the noles were going to pull out a win in their super regional. Just not our year.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Red Box

I have discovered the most wonderful thing....The Red Box. Movies rent for $1 per night. Input your email address and you'll receive a confirmation of rental and return. You can even reserve movies online. A most perfect thing I do declare. We've had one in our wallyworld forever but I just looked at it on my weekly trip. I've noticed the lines growing longer and longer as I passed by each time. This weekend I decided to jump in and do it. Amazingly easy.... Maybe they'll add games soon. Man, wish I had thought of this idea.