Sunday, May 31, 2009

Menu Mondays

tons of dinner ideas at this site.....
Menu Monday..

Sunday: Lasagna rolls, salad & garlic bread, lemon cake

Monday: Club sandwich paninnis, chips, apple salad (granny smith & galas)

Tuesday: Oven fried crispy chicken strips & creamy citrus corn .....Rachel Ray

Wednesday: Beef Tips, rice pilaf, tangy green beans, cresent rolls, grapes

Thursday: Grilled apricot pork loins, potatoes au gratin, cabbage, orange slices

Friday: Grilled sausage jambalya (Zatarins mix), garlic bread, grapefruit cup (ruby red, pink & white)

Saturday: pancakes and bacon, bananas

Go NOLES baseball......

Friday, May 22, 2009

Graduation recap

Wow!!!! I now have a high school graduate!!!! I can still see him walking down the street on his first day of kindergarten. (not by himself....i had no idea the roads would be that packed so instead of being late on the 1st day his dad and he walked to school while I sat in traffic). Seems like yesterday.

It was an absolutely beautiful night for the ceremony. Normally it's hot and humid here in the panhandle. It was a little windy, slightly cloudy, no rain, no humidity. It was perfect. They all looked so cute marching down the field to their seats. You weren't supposed to clap or cheer until all the names had been read, but that is so hard. It's so exciting to see them cross that stage and get their diploma cover. School is work now. When my son was studying for the ACT he looked at one of my old study guides and said "You had to know this to get into college....I had to know this stuff to get out of middle school."

The sr. class prez gave a speech that began with "I can't believe we've done graduated". Her english teacher should be so proud. I'm going with she was nervous. I couldn't believe all the references to body functions and arrests that were made. Guess i'm getting old.
I saw my child for maybe 5 minutes. He ran up the steps to get a picture with his grandparents, then off to find the rest of his friends. Oh well, that's what high school is all about. Now, he has to put his gown back on after I iron it again(what a pain to iron, it's next to paper so the iron can't be too hot) and do it again so I can get pictures with us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memorial Day Reading

Great weekend in store. Today is high school graduation day for S1. Senior breakfast was this morning and the ceremony is tonight. Crossing fingers we have no rain because it's outside and will only be changed to inside in case of hurricane force winds.

Short week at work due to Memorial day weekend. We are having a rememberance for my great uncle that was KIA in WWII and honoring all the other heros lost fighting for our freedom.

Our weather is crazy...windy as can be and the temp feels like March. Not complaining at all though.....just amazed and very thankful that it will be a cool night to watch the celebration and to find out where those mortarboards wind up.

There is a tropical system in the Gulf...hurricane season seems to start in May the last couple of years.

In case anyone is looking for a great read for the weekend: I just finished The House on Tradd Street. I would recommend it. This is my first read of this author but won't be my last. So, now i'm off to the library to find something else to read for the weekend.

Happy Memorial Day everyone.

Kudos to the c/o 2009. May your future be bright and full of blessings. Enjoy everyone one of them. God has great plans in store for all of you.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Zipper Peas, Cream peas

YUMMMMMM....found zipper peas (aka cream 40 peas someone (unknown person) at the market said) today at the farmers market so they are on the menu tonight

Pork Loin Roast
Zipper Peas
Sauteed Cabbage
Sliced Tomatoes

To celebrate Kentucky Derby instead of Mint Juleps we are having Paula Deen's Chocolate Mint Brownies. I'm rooting for Dunkirk (no other reason than a nice Scottish name).

My mouth is watering...

Last night was an interesting time spent at Friday Fest. There was a band there called Twice Daily. Wow, we were only planning to spend 1/2 hour but we kept going back to the band so we wound up staying until 10:00, but it was worth it. Some super cute mustangs...a pink one and a convertible aqua one I fell in love with.