Monday, August 31, 2009

Menu Monday; August Reads

WOW.....end of august already, where does the time go. So far so good on school. Yeah, S1 is adjusting to homework, those 4 block classes allowed time for homework or talk whichever one you picked. He did homework. he's not used to cutting his free time out:0 S2 has adjusted to high school. He really seems to like it:) He's in ROTC (truly I believe he has a bet with his friend to see who gets kicked out first) but he seems to enjoy it. (THANK YOU GOD!!!! YOU ARE AN AWESOME GOD!!).

Just discovered a series by Suzanne Brockmann. wonderful reading. It's a spy semi-romance series about Navy Seals. I'm trekking back to the library today to find more.

One more week until the FSU Miami game. I plan on having a little tailgate party labor day for it. We'll definately have some non-alcohol hurricanes to liven up the party. Maybe some cuban food since it's Miami and there's such a large influence down there of Cuban & Carribean culture (so i've heard from transplants that are all relocating up here) I've met 25 or more this year. Insane, which they claim it is down there.

Here's what's cooking at the Nole House this week:

Sun: grilled bayou chicken legs or hamburger steaks, fries, fruit

Mon: East Carolina pulled pork sandwiches, chips, slaw

Tue: clud sandwiches, chips, pudding

Wed: 4 cheese ravioli, salad, garlic bread

Thu: sun dried tomato chicken, angel hair pasta w/herbs, broccolli

Fri: jambalya, rice & garlic bread

Sat: steaks, smashed potatoes, corn

For more ideas head on over to

Sunday, August 16, 2009

School days

Can't believe s1 begins college life on Wed and s2 begins high school life next Monday the 24th. the high school held orientation on Sat!!! wth? No teachers were there so still no idea what they need in terms of school supplies. Waiting til after the last minute is my forte so this should work with my schedule. I've learned not to bother buying anything until you meet them; because if you buy folders they want comp books or binders, if you buy binders they want comp books or folders. If you buy pens, they want black if you purchased blue, blue if you purchased black. He received his schedule, which is tenative and most likely to change on day 1. His school days will be odd number classes on odd dates, even classes on even dates so if its the 26 he'll do classes 2, 4, 6, 8 & on the 27th he'll do 1, 3, 5, 7. hopefully this one is easier for me to remember since I didn't do so well the last 3 years with the rotating blocks. Week 1: periods 1-6, week 2: periods 2-6 1st period rotated to last and so on. In 3 years I never quite got the hang of period 5 is 6 this week but will be 1 next week. He's signed up for ROTC here's hoping he doesn't get kicked out, he hates being told what to do, has long hair (which has to be cut). this will most likely be the best thing ever if he's successful. He does tend to let his attitude get in the way sometimes, esp when he can't do something well. Here's hoping everyone deals with the frustrations in a fruitful manner has a successful year!!!

Hubs is home from the hospital after surgery #4, this time he had an anterior fusion. He had to stay 3 days because his blood pressure was wacky and they wound up doing more than they thought orginally. Turned out his disks were in much worse shape and his bone spur was larger than what they thought.

That's all the excitement at our house; so here's the plan for dinner this week:

Sun: Pork Roast w/veggies, cream 40 peas, cabbage
Mon: BBQ Pork Sandwiches, fruit
Tue: Chicken Lettuce wraps, fruit
Wed: Beef Tips over noodles, green beans
Thu: Strata, hashbrowns, fruit
Fri: Fried Grouper, cole slaw & french fries
Sat: BBQ Rib, turnips
s1 is getting a little excited, but he's staying at home and going local, but i've told him to feel free to do laundry and cook. Just like he was at a dorm:) We are having a ball with the all the jokes, oh...that's not included with your meal plan...they are beginning to wear thin on him though.

Have a great week!!